Monday, 29 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Shooting: 24/11/10
Today we went to film the scenes at Shadwell Basin. This is the scene immediately after our actor leaves the house angrily after an argument with her boyfriend. This is where a lot of the lip synching during the song takes place and so it was important that we planned this shoot well. In addition, we also had another actor on set so we had to make sure that both actors were ok and knew what they were doing at all times.
The day ran relatively smoothly. We played the song in the background so that our actor could sing along on the beat, to make the lip synching easier. We ensured that we had a variety of shots and took establishing shots of the location to give us things to cut away to in editing. We didn't have many problems during this shoot the only thing again was the weather and our actors weren't really used to working in those conditions.
Posted by Maria Grillo
The day ran relatively smoothly. We played the song in the background so that our actor could sing along on the beat, to make the lip synching easier. We ensured that we had a variety of shots and took establishing shots of the location to give us things to cut away to in editing. We didn't have many problems during this shoot the only thing again was the weather and our actors weren't really used to working in those conditions.
Posted by Maria Grillo
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Shooting: 23/11/10
Yesterday, we went to film in Trafalgar Square. This is the bridge of the song and where we would like to do a time lapse with our actor standing still amongst people walking fast around her. The lyrics at this point say 'Gotta run run run' over and over again and we thought that it would be a nice contrast to have our actor at a stand still whilst the world around seems to be going in fast forward.
This was our first day shooting and the main problem we had was the weather. Although, we looked at the weather forecast for the week we didn't anticipate that the weather would be that cold, it was especially difficult for our actor who wasn't able to wrap up warm as we had to film. The day was ok.
Posted by Maria Grillo
This was our first day shooting and the main problem we had was the weather. Although, we looked at the weather forecast for the week we didn't anticipate that the weather would be that cold, it was especially difficult for our actor who wasn't able to wrap up warm as we had to film. The day was ok.
Posted by Maria Grillo
Monday, 22 November 2010
Weather Forecast
Since we will be filming this week we have taken into account the weather as we do not want any surprises along the way. This week will be dry but a bit cold and so this is ideal. As we do not know what the weather will be like next week, we have decided to film all of our outside footage this week so we can be sure to have to same weather in our footage.
Shooting Schedules
Upcoming Shoots:
We have confirmed that we will be filming tomorrow at Trafalgar Square. We will all be meeting for 12:00 to get there for 12:30. We would like to film the time lapse scene, transition to Leigh-on-Sea and a shot reflection in the fountain. Hopefully we can get a solid 2 hour shooting without any disturbances.
On Wednesday we will be going to Shadwell Basin by the canal to film storyboard number 21-30. Different angle shots of actor, jumpcut and transition for next location. We will be using our lipsynching techniques here.
We are yet to confirm the dates for when to shoot at Leigh-on-Sea and Sonia's mum bedroom.
We have confirmed that we will be filming tomorrow at Trafalgar Square. We will all be meeting for 12:00 to get there for 12:30. We would like to film the time lapse scene, transition to Leigh-on-Sea and a shot reflection in the fountain. Hopefully we can get a solid 2 hour shooting without any disturbances.
On Wednesday we will be going to Shadwell Basin by the canal to film storyboard number 21-30. Different angle shots of actor, jumpcut and transition for next location. We will be using our lipsynching techniques here.
We are yet to confirm the dates for when to shoot at Leigh-on-Sea and Sonia's mum bedroom.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Animatics - Part 1
We split our song into two sections and all did the storyboards for that section. We all took responsibility to create an animatic for our section. Here is part 1:
This is the first verse and chorus of the song. It begins with the artist and the actor playing her boyfriend having an argument. In this argument, the boyfriend is pleading for another chance and the artist is ready to let the relationship go. We see her turning her back on her boyfriend and look at a framed picture of them during happier times, the scene cuts away to the present and when in cuts back the boyfriend is no longer in the picture. This reflects how he has disappeared in the artist's mind. This rest of the section shows the artist leaving the house in tears at the breakdown in their relationship.
Posted by Maria Grillo and Mirza Rahman
Monday, 15 November 2010
Sample Footage
Today, we went out to film some practice shots for our music video. It was important that we did this as we plan to have shots of our artist walking towards the camera, this means our camera person will have to walk backwards when filming. By practicing, it allows the camera person to get use to this and focus on keeping the camera steady.
We experimented with several shots including side shots, low angle shots and high angle shots. The location we chose had a really nice line of trees and so we thought would could experiment in editing with jumpcuts by setting the camera on the tripod and filming our artist next to every tree. Doing this has given us even more ideas of shots that we could film to give us a variety when it comes to editing.
The video below shows an small edited clip of the sample footage we shot, we just focused on a few lines of the second verse of the song.
Posted by Maria Grillo
Friday, 12 November 2010
Experimenting with Transitions
Here our group was exerimenting with transitions. We all came up with an idea of using a transition to show the singer move from one location to another. We first planned to have the singer walk past a tree and then appear in another location but the idea was not going to work as the next location did not have any trees therefore after a bit of research we found on youtube different objects we can use in order to do the same thing. So we decided to have the singer walk past the camera and then suddenly we would see her ending up in a different place.We were trying different types of transitions to see which one will suit best for our main clip.
Posted by Mirza Rahman
Our target for Tuesday's lesson was:
- to finish story boarding
- take photos of our characters (as we would like to use these pictures as a prop when shooting the bedroom scene)
In our storyboard, we have a close up shot of a framed picture of the couple on their bedside table. We'd like to use a tranistion to make it seem as though her boyfriend disappears from the picture, just as their relationship seems to have disappeared with their argument. We took quite a few images so we could look through them and choose the best two to take to the print shop.
We choose this location because we wanted a backdrop of yellow and green coloured trees as it brought out the autuamnal weather. However this was not too important as the pictures taken would come out as a medium shot so not many of the background image would be seen.
Here you can see Maria taking an image of our male actor, Tyrone and Sonia. We asked them to act as a loving couple.

Below are some other images of the photoshoot.
Posted by Sonia Tedeku, Maria Grillo and Mirza Rahman
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Monday, 8 November 2010
Genre Research - Album Covers (Continued)
Diana Vickers - Once
This Diana Vickers album cover reflects the artist image as everything right down to the artist name and title of the album is quirky. Even though she is wearing a dark coloured costume, this is contrasted by the splash of colour across the front. This shows that we could make our album cover a reflection of our artist's personality and it doesn't necessarily have be a depiction of the song.
Eliza Doolittle - Eliza Doolittle
This Eliza Doolittle album cover, similar to the Diana Vickers cover is also fun and quirky. This is a self-titled album and establishes the artist as this is her debut album. From this we have decided that our CD will also be self-titled as Runaways is our artist's debut single.
Posted by Maria Grillo
Artist Profile - Costume
We have been looking for a costume that our artist could wear in the our music video. From our audience research, we have all agreed that the artist should wear:
Posted by Maria Grillo
- Accessories - These should be a mixture of chunky bangles. Similar to the ones pictured below.
- Hair Styling - The artists hair should be dark, wavy/curly.
- Costume - Our artist will be wearing four different costumes in the music video. The first one is when the artist is at home so we think our artist should wear jeans and a simple top. This costume is casual and reflects the relaxed comfortable atmosphere you'd expect in a home. We see the artist in the second costume after the argument here she is wearing a grey woolen coat and a dark coloured scarf. This reflects the mood she's in after being in a heated argument with her boyfriend. We are still yet to decide the other two costumes our artist will wear.
Posted by Maria Grillo
Locations, Locations, Locations!
From our audience feedback, our audience thought that a suitable location would be a beach. Taking this idea on, we found Leigh-on-Sea to be the best location because it is known to be a quiet seaside, not many people go there and this means that we won't have the problem of people interferring with our shots.
Shadwell Basin
Shadwell basin is a location which we will be using for our music video. We chose this location because of the time of the year. Autum is when all the leaves are falling down, bringing an out orange and red colours. This colour will provide a nice back drop for our artist performing.

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