Monday 13 December 2010

Shooting: 11/12/10

The start to our shoot could be summed up in one word: Nightmare.

We went to shoot the scenes at Leigh-on-Sea. We planned to meet at West Ham Station for 10am to get to Leigh-on-Sea for around 11am. We all met up as planned and got on the train. We were about 10 minutes away from Leigh-on-Sea so we decided to get ourselves ready by putting the tape in the camera. However the camera kept displaying an error message saying: REMOVE THE CASSETTE. This was unusual as we had never seen this message before, when we removed the tape to our horror we found the camera had chewed our tape. We had some spare tapes and hoped that it was a problem with the tape but we put in another tape only to have the camera chew that one too. 

Luckily I had my FlipVideo camera on me which we were forced to use to film our footage. This wasn't ideal but it was better than going all that way only to have to come back with no footage. As we were at the seaside we checked the tide clocks the day before to see when the tide would be coming in. The tide was very far out when we got there so we planned to film scenes on the cobbled streets around the village whilst we waited for the tide to come in. Thankfully, the rest of the shoot ran smoothly.

Posted by Maria Grillo

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